Tuesday 10 September 2013

Expectations of a College Magazine

Firstly, a college magazine should be simple and not include too much writing as the target audience would not be interested in this. It should also include a number of photographs of the college as this is the base of the magazine. The college magazine will be primarily aimed at students however it will also be of interest to staff and parents.

Secondly, the college magazine should follow a basic yet colourful style to attract its primary audience, the students. Following this there should be a contents page included with details of the college so the reader (the students) can gather a sense of what they're about to read and which particular topics interest them. This will also be useful for students trying to navigate around the magazine quickly and easily. The topics that will be of use to the magazine are things like new courses, important information from the college, term dates, contact details, events to become involved with, career information, university information etc. These topics must also be suitable for adults and therefore need to be written in a formal tone.

Thirdly, the college magazine should not include a price as it's primarily for students and students have more important things to spend their money on. If the magazine was to have a price it would have to be cheap for example 20p however putting a price on the magazine may cause it to lose some of the audience. 

Finally, the text should be readable by both male and female as it's aimed at both genders. The text should be formal for the second audience (parents and staff) however still made understandable for it's primary audience (students.) The writers style will have to be very inclusive in order to make the readers feel like they're a part of the college. If the writer is uninviting people may be put off the magazine and the magazine will therefore start to lose audience. 

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