Tuesday, 19 November 2013


Music Magazine Survey 
Male 7          Female 13

16  19          17  1 

How do you listen to music?
Radio 8          Internet 16         Phone 15

What genre of music do you listen to?
Rock 5          Pop 12          R&B 8          Indie Rock 10          Indie 4          Rap 1

Which magazines do you read?
NME 5          Kerrang! 4           Q 5          Rolling Stone 0          Vibe 3

If you buy music, how do you buy it?
iTunes 11          HMV 9        Official Websites 1 

On average, how many hours a week do you spend listening to music?
1-5 hours 7         6-10 hours 7          11+ hours 6

What features attract you to a music magazine?
Celebrities/Artist 13          Music 2          Cover 7

Questionnaire Analysis
Gender - There are more females than males that I surveyed. This will make my magazine more likely to appeal to women as I will make my magazine more feminine due to the amount of women who took part in my survey. My primary target audience will be women from 16-30 year olds however as there are still men involved with my survey I will have my secondary audience as men from 16-30. My magazine will cater to this age group as they are the most likely to read magazines shown from my survey. To appeal to my primary audience I will use a female celebrity (which may also appeal to men) I will also use a feminine house style and include content which women would find interesting.

Music - From my survey I have concluded that people mostly listen to music through the internet. To incorporate this into my magazine I will include music links from youtube into my magazine. I will try and attract my audience by advertising internet based websites and links throughout the magazine.

Genre - The most popular genre from my survey is Pop and Indie Rock, I will combine the two genre's together to appeal to a larger audience. I will do this by including celebrities and content which are associated with these two genre's.

Magazine - Q and NME are the two most read magazines. I will follow a similar house-style to these magazines and include content similar to theirs to fit into their category. After studying these magazines I have found that they follow a specific house-style throughout their magazine and they also use strong main images. This is an example I will follow with my magazine.

Buy music - Majority of the people who took part in my survey buy music through iTunes. To se this in my magazine I will offer a free iTunes music download if they buy the magazine. This will entice people to buy the magazine. This will fit into the amount of hours people spend listening to music. People will be able to download the song and access it from their phone whenever they want at whatever time of the day.

Features - The feature which most attracts people who took my survey to a magazine is the celebrities featured. To fit with this I will include a number of celebrities in magazine  which fit the genre of my magazine.

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